This is a question that I have found myself asking for the last couple of years. Referring to the man who occupies the oval office, I can't help but think that perhaps the answer is NO.
One just has to look to at the job that Bill Clinton is doing since leaving the white house. The Clinton Foundation is arguablly one of the most succesful charities in the world especially considering the short amount of time since its inception. And you could easily argue that President Clinton's has been able to do more good for the world then he ever could while leading the country.
My theory is further supported, when you look at some of the achievements of other charities that are are headed by people who never dreamed of taking the top job. The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, supported by Warren Buffets incredible donation are doing more for the worlds poor than any President could ever imagine.
So much is required of a president, that even if they have the best intentions of making a dramatic change in the world he rarely gets the chance.
Last week as Al Gore was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for his work in raising awareness for Global Warming, I couldn't help but think that even had he been in the white house, he wouldn't be able to raise the level of awareness that his book, movie and foundation has.
And while I still hold great hope that someone will seize their opportunity as President to enact real change in my life time.
But perhaps this world has a lot more to benefit from the Mr. Gore not winning the 2000 election.