Saturday, 2 June 2007


Welcome to possibly the best blog ever.

Where stories of grandeur dominate your 15 inch screen.

Certainly a lot to live up to. So I'll try not to disappoint, but there are no guarantees.

But let me start by explaining the name.

When titling a blog there is a lot to consider.

What will I talk about?
Who am I talking to?
Why does anyone care what I have to say?

But most importantly how do you get I anyone to take their time away from porn and You tube to read my random ramblings?

Well in my case you assign the most impressive blog name ever ( God's Blog was already taken) and hope that you snag some viewers.

So let me finish by thanking you for visiting my blog.


If you do leave feeling ripped off because there is no wisdom, miracle cures or smoothie recipes contained in this site.

I apologize.

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